more from the MTC

-“They speculate that in April they won’t be able to handle any more missionaries(there will be 5,000 here), so they’re building a center in Mexico City.  It’s just amazing just how fast this work is going forward!”

    “You missionaries in the MTC right now are going to win”  (talk from Elder Holland)

                                                                                      -February 19, 2013

-“My name here is “The Elder Bow”, because one of the Elders here kept on calling me Elder Bo, and it sounds cooler when there’s a “The” in front of it.  My companion and I are Zone Leaders in training this week, and next week when the district in front of us leaves, we will be the Zone Leaders for the week before we leave.  The language is going great.  We have a lot to learn, but it’s becoming second nature to us…”     -February 26, 2013

-“My time here at the MTC has been great, even though I’ve only been eating one meal a day, since I feel so sick of the food.”     -March 5, 2013

-“I’m all packed up and ready to leave, and I’m a bit sad to be leaving, but I’m also excited to get to work.”                                          -March 11, 2013

First few weeks in the MTC

Upon arrival to the MTC, Elder Bolander he met his companion, Elder Phillips.  He was also made a District Leader, and said he was feeling very overwhelmed with all the responsibility on top of learning a new language.  Through prayer, he was able to do both and things were going great.

Come to the edge, He said.

No, we said.  We’ll fall.

Come to the edge,  He said.

No, we said.  We’ll fall.

We came to the edge

He pushed us

and we flew

(poem shared by Elder Holland)

“This poem is the driving force behind my mission so far.  By being a missionary, I’m being invited to come to the edge by giving it everything that I have, and I plan on doing that by loving those that I teach and devoting my time to Him.”          -February 12, 2013Image